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5 Affordable Ways To Celebrate New Year Like a Rock Star

December 31 is the time for celebrating and partying. It's time to party hard with your friends and family. But, if you are looking for something different then this New Year, then we have some exciting ideas for you. Here are some of the magical ways to celebrate your New Year like a rock star:

Helicopter Ride in Dubai

5 Affordable Ways To Celebrate New Year Like a Rock Star

A helicopter ride is an experience that allows you to see the city of Dubai from above. You will be seated in a comfortable seat and strapped in with a belt, while your pilot flies you around the city. What are some of the things you can see from the air?

You'll be able to see all of Dubai's landmarks: Burj Khalifa (the tallest tower in the world), Palm Jumeirah, Atlantis The Palm Hotel and Resort, Jumeirah Beach Residence and more! You will also get to fly over desert landscapes as well as other cities such as Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman. How much does it cost?

A standard 12 minute helicopter ride will costs about $150 USD in which about 4 people can accommodate.

Rent a Small Yacht

5 Affordable Ways To Celebrate New Year Like a Rock Star

If you’re looking to celebrate New Year like a rock star, there are a number of ways to do so. For example, you could rent a luxurious yacht for the night and party with friends or family on the high seas. Renting a small yacht in Dubai is an affordable way to enjoy this type of experience. 

A 33 ft yacht can be rented for 1 hour up to 6 hours at prices that range from $2,500-$5,000 USD depending on what kind of boat you choose (and how much time you want).

There are many different types of yachts available in Dubai—from 27 ft and 30 ft models to luxury yachts that measure up to 57 feet long by 25 feet wide! The choice is yours when it comes down which type best fits your needs: whether it be space or style that matters most…

Flyboarding Activities in Dubai

5 Affordable Ways To Celebrate New Year Like a Rock Star

Flyboarding is an exciting water sport that allows you to fly through the air, perform tricks, and splash around in the water. The best thing about flyboarding in Dubai is that it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Flyboarding will not only give you a great time but also help you get fit.

If you are looking for a way to celebrate New Year like a rock star this year, then we have some good news for you! There are many ways to enjoy flyboarding without spending too much money.

Jet Ski Ride

5 Affordable Ways To Celebrate New Year Like a Rock Star

Jet Ski riding is a high-speed water sport. The Jet Ski ride in Dubai is a personal watercraft that allows you to travel at fast speeds on the water. You can enjoy this extreme form of boating in your own backyard, or you can rent one for an adventure at the beach or lake.

Renting a jet ski costs between $100-$150 per hour and includes life jackets, safety gear and fuel (depending on UAE laws). 

Be sure that you check with local laws before renting a jet ski in Dubai as some states require you to be 18 years old or older to rent one—and this rule may apply even if you’re with your parent or guardian!

If riding on top of the waves isn’t enough excitement for you, try adding some tricks into the mix! If it seems daunting at first, don't worry: there are plenty of videos online showing how easy it can be when done correctly.

Wakeboarding in Dubai

5 Affordable Ways To Celebrate New Year Like a Rock Star

Wakeboarding is a fun water sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and levels of experience. If you’ve ever wanted to get into wakeboarding but weren’t sure where to start, now is the perfect time! It’s also a great way to stay active and get in shape.

Wakeboarding in Dubai involves riding behind a motorboat that pulls you along using what's called “a rope,” or the tow rope. 

There are two different types of boards used: wave boards and skim boards (skim boarders will have more control over their movements). 

The ropes are attached at both ends with one end being fastened to the boat while the other end attaches directly onto your foot bindings so that it allows you to stand up as if walking on ice while paddling towards shore all while being pulled by boat speed!

In addition, wake surfing has been gaining popularity as well because it requires less equipment than wakeboarding does; however, there aren't any specific standards for how big or small each board should be so it's important when buying these items online before purchasing them locally because they may differ greatly from those available elsewhere around town due.

Plan and experience your New Year like never before

5 Affordable Ways To Celebrate New Year Like a Rock Star

New Year's Eve should be a time of celebration and fun, so don’t let stress spoil your evening! It may seem like there aren't many options for affordable New Year's Eve celebrations, but there are plenty of ways you can celebrate without breaking the bank. After all, it only comes once a year—so why not make it something special?


New Year is the celebration of hope and a fresh start. It’s a time to reflect on our lives and set goals for ourselves. So, if you want to celebrate this new year like a rock star, then these 5 affordable ways are just what you need!

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